Castleton St Michael and St George
(N 46371, W -0.93716) Post Code: YO21 2ELCastleton lies about 13 miles almost due West of Whitby, high on the side of the Esk Valley. The present church was paid for by fundraising and subscription and built in 1924, as a memorial to local men who had died in the First World War. It was designed by Leslie Moore, son-in-law of Temple Lushington Moore. It replaced a corrugated iron church which had been built in the 1850s partly to serve the needs of the many local ironstone miners at that time. Much of the woodwork in the church bears the trademark mouse of the firm of Robert ‘Mousey’ Thompson. The reredos, painted with pictures of the patron saints, is a fine example of his work and dedicated to the memory of W G A Macmillan of Botton Hall who was amongst those lost in the War.
The Deanery Synod Representatives are Mrs Jane Dingle and Mrs Sally Wilson.
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